Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ali Abunimah's hypocrisy …

Rabid Israel hater Ali Abunimah posted the following tweets yesterday in response to the Obama administration's endorsement of Israel as a Jewish state and the homeland of the Jewish people.

He changed the White House statement in order to paint Israel as some sort of racist state.
#    "We recognize the special nature of the [Northern Irish] state. It is a state for the [Protestant] people." #Israel     about 14 hours ago  via bitly
# "We recognize the special nature of the [South African] state. It is a state for the [White] people." #Israel #apartheid

I humbly offer my own alternative and hope to see Abunimah post it on his twitter account in the near future.
"We recognize the special nature of the [Palestinian] state. It is a state for the [Palestinian] people."
I have to admit, I don't see anything wrong about that last statement. It actually makes a lot of sense to me.

Perhaps that's because I see Palestinians as human beings with legitimate aspirations for statehood, while Abunimah sees Jews as his dogs with no rights whatsoever.


Anonymous said...

Abunimah has constantly reaffirmed that he supports equal rights for all people. He is against Jews having special privileges and rights above other groups.

Jonah said...

Yes, equal rights for all people, including Jews.

Just as long as that doesn't include the Jewish right to statehood.

If you ask me, the Palestinians absolutely deserve a state of their own, one that will exist along side Israel in peace. Is Abunimah willing to say the same thing about Jews?